Have you been noticing the changes on Hamakua Drive?
- TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS at Hamakua & Hekili St. intersection (near Foodland) are numerous! - -after tracking over a year, traffic has been getting progressively worse to the point there have been accidents occuring "on a weekly basis" -- and this is BEFORE the opening of Whole Foods OR Target!!
- Enterprise Rent-a-Car and Twogood Kayak & Canoes have both relocated to Hamakua Drive from their long-established Daiei / DonQuijote location -- with more cars entering & exiting driveways on Hamakua, be CAREFUL -- We must slow down or Go Down!
Where have our farm animals gone?? Is it really true that their 50-year(?) lease expired and was NOT RENEWED by Kaneohe Ranch? The area is now slated for HIKING TRAILS infringing on residents' privacy? -- hmmmm
They only thing we can do to save Kailua is to research and find dirt on these dirty ranchers and ranch hands... Hint Start with a man called Fr---/ L - - -wood - don't let his stats fool you- you ever heard of the wolf in sheeps clothing? Check who has lil wine parties together..or hiking trips..You will be surprised what you find.. you ever play connect the dots?.. that's how we as a community can save Kailua..Unless you want to sit back and see more of our town go to the lawyers and their good ol real estate friends who are also making money managing these mini hotels....and not to mention the turnover moneys when they buy and sell to these California companies is a nice price too..Oh Ol' Mitch is a lil wise ol jolly folly says "He's listening to the Land" Oh lets add salt to the wound itchy mitch.. I disagree with his Midweek comment .. Ol' itchy finger is listening to his wallet.. Even look at Kaneohe Ranch site see where else they "MANAGE" property..CALiFORniA like the rest of them.. It wouldn't be bad if indeed they were doing this for "the people" but they are not and people have to realize they are getting fattened up with lies in the present to get slaughtered in the future..You can't fight them by being nice they love playing with the media (they have friends in there) they hire people to look for postings and to belittle those who write or say things against anyone in their crew... Kailua was targeted long ago wanna trace who the ranch hands are- search back at Lanikai school and who conveniently nominated Kailua/Lanikai as the number one beach in the world.. Oh just read in wikipedia in the note section that Kailua is Obama (also another lawyer who stayed in an illegal b&b or Castle property/Kranch) but get this the person updating it said Kailua is The Winter white house.. well jingle my bells and fa la la la la.. Bring down the big dogs and you will stop the mutilation of the town..